Alcon Ireland

Cork is home to Alcon’s European Manufacturing Centre for Clareon /AcrySof® Intraocular Lenses.
The Cork facility was established in 1991 and acquired by Alcon in 2000 with the acquisition of Summit Autonomous Inc., a manufacturer of laser systems for corrective eye care. In 2006, the Cork plant began manufacturing Alcon’s AcrySof® intraocular lenses (IOLs), which replace the eye’s natural lens in cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is the most frequently performed surgery in the world today with surgeons around the world performing more than 10 million cataract surgeries annually. Alcon’s Clareon/ AcrySof® IOLs are the most frequently implanted lenses worldwide, with more than 125 million implants since their introduction in the mid-1990s.About the Cork Plant
Alcon’s Cork facility is 13,657 square meters in size and employs over 500 associates. In an environment where quality and precision are critical, Alcon employs professionals with the skills and passion to meet the expectations of our customers, as well as the regulatory bodies that govern the development and manufacturing of our eye care products. Patients are at the centre of everything Alcon do and at the heart of their commitment to quality. The Alcon facility in Cork is certified to ISO 13485, is MDD compliant and is an FDA approved manufacturing site.Company Phone: +353 (0)21 486 5100
Cork Business & Technology Park,
Model Farm Road,
T12 RX79
Web Site: Alcon Ireland